Thursday, December 15, 2011

Back at Union Glacier...

Today the team woke up at the South Pole, had breakfast and soon after got the all clear to fly back to Union Glacier. Everyone packed his or her items, got on the plane and waited as the plane revved its engines, only to have to disembark because the plane's skis were frozen in place (it was, after all a frigid -35 C). Soon enough they had taken off from the Amundsen Scott South Pole Station and three hours later they were back at Union Glacier.

The relative warmth of Union Glacier (only -15C!) allowed the team to relax and gather outside around the makeshift Amundsen Bar, perhaps the only ice bar in the southern hemisphere! The team was treated to appetizers and champagne followed by a formal luncheon in the mess tent.

If the weather holds they anticipate returning to Punta Arenas, Chile, tomorrow. They have had a wonderful time in Antarctica and they look forward to sharing the stories with family members and friends.

The Amundsen Bar at Union Glacier
Daniel Pena leaves a wonderful recap of the day, so make sure to check it out, and visit the blog again soon for another update from the team!

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